and finally, a third view showing the north penthouse with existing antennas. and the result of the installation of a project would be a screen to screen the existing proposal and does as well as the top of the proposed agreement enclosure. this facility would greatly benefit the neighborhood surrounding the facility, extending coverage in a pretty significant area, about 15 or 20 blocks around the mercy terrace campus. this shows the gray area around the proposed facility. it is essentially for coverage. yellow portion is vehicle coverage. the green would be where you have excellent coverage. this is the existing condition. the resulting condition and would be as such. you see how the pattern changes dramatically with the installation of this. how you and get much better coverage no. who of the street. present today is the license principle. they prepared the radio frequency report. he is here as an independent third-party consultant and he can respond to any questions regarding concerns. we also have a team mobile radio frequencies engineer. he is an expert o