it's a partnership between several bodies including safenetics, north yorkshire council, smrt and localrucial. some of these ideas are still in their infancy, and logistically there are hurdles still to be overcome. but who knows — if you ever find yourself needing to be located by a search dog, you never know, shejust might be more on the grid than you are. dog barks. i think paul may have made a new best friend there. now this time of year is movie nomination season, and for us at click that also means the opportunity to talk to some of the greatest minds in visual effects to see what they have been up to over the past year. first up, a look at the bafta—nominated matrix: resurrections. i've had dreams that weren'tjust dreams. am i crazy? we don't use that word in here. for me, getting on board with the matrix was huge. i think a lot of people in this industry will probably have had the matrix affect them in different ways. there was a huge expectation on the movie's shoulders, but also on vfx, obviously we're revisiting a world that had been created 20 years ago, so we knew these ass