the university, which conducts the most promising research on its basis, is one of the world's key centers for the study of mammoth fauna, the north-eastern federaloject of science and the university, scientists for a very long time could not understand, why, and ancient people, and caves depicted these woolly mammoths and sixhorns with humps on their necks, but they have up to a certain age, and this fat accumulates brown fat, yes, and exactly the same as in modern camels, predators and herbivores of different eras found these samples throughout the republic. this is the leg of a fossil bison, which is more than thirty thousand years old, as a rule, specimens are found in this very state, which is well preserved and fell into a natural trap. and the fact that it was badly gnawed by predators, and the same child was found at a depth of about 40 m. near the village of batagay, preserved perennial, frozen tissue, biological fluids, further scientists new data on the lifestyle and living conditions of the animal. the researchers say this is surprising, since the geological age of the find exceeds 40,000 years, thanks to the preserved hair on the hea