lieutenant governor northam, speaker howell chairman stosch men and women of the general assembly, distinguished guests people of virginia thank you for inviting me here tonight. and i want to especially thank the first lady of virginia my wife dorothy mcauliffe who is actually here with us tonight. [applause] i especially want to thank dorothy for her compassion her energy, her commitment to making sure that -- not one single child sits in a classroom too hungry to learn. thank you. [applause] and finally i want to thank my cabinet and the thousands of virginia employees that they represent for the hard work and dedication. folks just one year ago i stood at this very desk and shared my vision for a stronger, more independent virginia economy. in that speech i expressed optimism that we in this chamber could find common ground and advance the causes that virginians care most about, job creation, economic development education and health care. one year later i am proud to say that optimism was well-founded. i want to first thank chairman jones, stosch and cold and for working with me in a bipart