we're joined by eric reeves an author and saddam researcher and he's joining us from northampton massachusetts mystery's very good to have you with us on al-jazeera so we're hearing from the opposition who are saying that the agreement that they reached it's only a 1st step is it a good or a good enough 1st step do you think from what we know about it so far. i think it was inevitable there was pressure mounting on the allies for freedom and change and the transitional military council perfectly prepared to end these negotiations that some agreement had to be reached on the other hand let's remember there are still no internet access there is no telephone access in sudan so the people of sudan have not really been consulted a number of people in khartoum have been consulted but people are going to get an understanding of the agreement from the military controlled state media so now you know broadcast. networks and that presents a real problem inclusiveness is a very debatable issue right at this moment that's right how do you see the protesters who've been out on the streets of saddam for more than 6 mo