markets rowe has in late november and december of 2018 and no issuance was made in the high heel northcott inch one to 5 percent of the russell 2000 companies are deemed to be zombie companies meaning they have to issue new to play interest on existing debt and the credit markets froze we were headed into $5.00 trillion dollars worth of defaults or some vast majority of those defaults in the high heel leverage loan interval be space and could mean we were headed for a much worse crisis then 2008 if they understood this they can't use it if any christmas eve or around that time and that's why now we've gone from a less high grades so it's really impressive the fed 1st rate illustrating the belge because this was a one time emergency operation which will never again happen in our lifetime. the words coming out of your own how is that you know we noticed not using words like. up unusual events or exogamous events or tipperary events even basically admit. that such measures taking interest rates to 0 percent and here we end universal basic income. and all these extreme measures new winning str