. >> we are going deep into the alps of northern albania. visitors are a rare sight in these villages. in this region, archaic traditions still hold sway, such as blood feuds and a person of holding family honor. there are women here who decades ago when they were young made a decision for life, who chose to face this while the environment as men. they keep to themselves, so we sought out an organization called the albanian reconciliation committee. hopefully, they can help us learn more about this phenomenon. it is early in the morning, and the teachers have just arrived at school. >> we are looking for the sworn virgins who live in the village. where can we find them? we are told two of them still live here. >> sworn virgins, also known as man women, decide not to marry, not to start families, and take on the job of patriotic -- patriarchal head of the klan. in this society, the family is everything, the individual nothing. >> yes, i know what your talking about. they live in very difficult conditions. you miss out on a lot of things if yo