you might remember back on september 11th, northern iceland, the mountains, got crushed by a snowstorm, buried. a ton of sheep alive that were up there grazing for the season. i showed you video a week after the snowstorm of members of iceland search and rescue digging these sheep out of the snow and they're still alive. 19 days later, they're still digging a live sheep from the snow. >> what? >> this videocei rescue dog, that's pookie, a 9-year-old border collie who's trained to find sheep. this is nine days after the storm. he's smelling something and starts to dig. then they start with the shovels. >> no way. are you kiddingnáme? >> look at this. they pull the sheep from the snow, dig him out,t( fine. the sheep's okay. two others in thefá area were found dead, but 150 sheep were found alive just last weekend. >> you're right. these are the most incredible animals in the world. >> the sheep knew fáto, what, e the snow to get hydrated. they can eat their own wool for food. this sheep knew how to survive. >> that's incredible that they can survive. >> just straight up, bad-ass sheep.fá