. >> this is at a race in northern iceland. they're out in the middle of some beautiful green valley. you can tell the road is a little bit wet. it's very rocky. it's very twisty. and, of course, bumpy. it's an off-road rally race. there's the co-driver on the left in the top corner of your screen. he's t got his course notes out. he's reading the course notes out loud to the driver. that's one stage of the race. here's a different video of the same race. this road a little bit smoother. >> hold it. hold it. hold it -- no. >> oh, man. >> nasty. >> yeah. >> oh, gosh. >> the driver is actually like, come on, man, pull yourself together. >> looks like he is still able to give the instructions going, right, because the guy didn't wreck the car. >> right in the microphone. >> the blood is on his mike. >> not the best day for this team of rally drivers. you can't pull over. you're competing in an event. the driver is pissed. >> look at his face. are you kidding me? you know it wreaks in here. >> of all the co-drivers for me to hire i