the subject address is 685 northpoint street. this is the mirkovic royal thai spa versus the deputy of public health. this is dph hearing case no. msg 18-02. we do have some objections that have been lodged. >>> i'm representing the appellant, royal thai spa. i might add that this place is located at 685 northpoint. >>> excuse me, sir -- can we have a point of order before we start to the actual case? do you have an objection that you've raised? >>> thank you, mr. president. we did have a couple of objections. >>> for the record, can we clarify the time that we need if you're gonna give them. >>> three minutes is fine. >>> three minutes. >>> the objections, principally. >>> speak in the mic, sir. >>> we believe that dph used a 16 page brief instead of a 12 page brief. they apparently had two declarations. one of them wasn't an exhibit. i think as an after thought, they included a second decoration as an exhibit to get around the 12 page limit. however, you look in the actual brief itself, the brief does not reference any exhibit,