today on shirley avenne near park heights rally avenue in northwwst baltimore. man's bound found in a homers shot in the head. >> this is the 6th homicide since saturday morning. murder scenes as you can see heee are spread out. tww of the homicides are3 related. commissioner bealefield met with leaders in the police department to go over the crime fighting strategy. >> the big push, from the commissioner, o the rank and file is really again bad guys all of these cases have guns, you know, somehow enter 2009ed, victims in a lost caaes have criminal records. >> police say weekend crime is down 16 % from last year. >> meantime, city residentssare fighting back against crrme. becoming involved in community organizations.ú in charles village a community3 watch program has dozens involved. karen stoke's heem, and she works to improve the quality of life in city communities. >> that neighborhoods, they have to get involved. they cannot look the other way when any crime is conducted in %-they have to reconnect with police. they have got to become involved. >> some neig