norum's instincts are right. nine hours of fire and thousands of gallons of water pumped in, the walls suddenly give way, raining bricks and debris on the street below. >> the initial sound to me was like a crack. then a rumble. and then, of course, everything became physical. you could see the interior collapsed. pulled the wall down in a curtain-like fashion. >> residents are grateful there are no fatalities or serious injuries, but the loss of homes and businesses is a blow. >> your life is gone. everything that you had, everything is just gone. >> for chief norum, the collapse emphasizes an important caution, there are often hidden hazards behind the fire and smoke. >> it's very, very important that people in the area, especially firefighters and other agency people know that the dangers don't subside after fire is brought under control. \s >>> they put pedal to the medal. and some smash up hard. when you're out on the road -- >> oh! >> -- danger lurks around every curve. a pileup that makes your blood run co