you brought norva here? how is she? it's too late. if she'd come sooner, i could've helped. then there is a treatment for the blight. there is no cure-- it's always fatatal. i'm sorry. i don't understand. you said you could've helped her. a distress call. we're here to help in any way we can. i'm a doctor and i have access to sophisticated diagnostic equipment. we had sophisticated equipment once. you think our wowod was always this way? two centuries ago we were no different from you. we built vast cities traveled to neighboring worlds. we believed nothing was beyond our abilities. we even thought we could resist the dominion. i see you've heard of them. to defy them or your people will pay the same price we did. the jem'hadar destroyed our world s. bring me milani's child. more than anything, the dominion wanted my people to bear the mark of their defiance. so... we're all born with it... we all die from it. when the blight quickens the lesions turn red. death soon follows-- some in childhood most before they can have children of their own. only a few live to be my age. tr