does notalt, delete work. the analogy is the plane is flying, how you read the side while the plane is flying? redesign while the plane is flying? we see thousands of patients per day while trying to change the course in some of the ways we're talking about, and at the same time 8000 more people became 65, and the complexity of their health polyps over time will continue to grow. we have that is one more dynamic to throw into the mix. but i thinkficult, you have just heard even in this discussion, some things that are daunting but quite achievable. some of the things we're talking about we have already done. they have done a tremendous things. that gives us a lot of optimism. looking forward, the science that changes the way we think about this disorders will transform the treatment as well. are brainhat these disorders, that we can, through the power of genetics, nerves science and modern cognitive science really begin to understand at a much deeper level than what we have in the past. i think the opportuniti