well, the workers, when they got notanama, they, it was exactly how they were told. first, they were housed. they lived more or less ok, but the flyer that was distributed the picture that was shown was the picture of a hotel for american workers. a division -- american workers were on one side and everybody else was on the other. the spanish workers were housed building --yle barrack-style building with cots. those were the lucky ones. there were others -- they had to sleep in railroad cars. sleeps, they had to in tents. the west indians, they suffer the most because they were basically left to fend off by themselves. and oh, they also kept nationalities apart. spanish on one side, italians on one side. there were 1200 italians, greeks. they try to keep nationalities apart so as to avoid conflict. an impression of what life was like for foreign workers from the canal records. the canal record was a weekly analpaper published by the cn commission. .ut that was basically a newspaper for american workers so, you would get, you would be able to get an idea of what life