when i met him, again through who did notesi, i rememberorts, meeting him when he came on campus and he was a young, tall attorney general with that spot in his hair. he clapped his hands really loud and said, clarence, plenty of room at the top. i said, boy, that guy is off his rocker. [laughter] but that was just how cynical and negative i was. and here he was positive and you,etic and believed in believed in the possibilities. and what i tried to convey to the students is that attitude of hopefulnness. you're here. at one of the best of not the nation. you are here. and make the most of it. the friendships, the opportunities to learn, to do things, to grow. i also suggested to them that when they take a job, the jobs are wonderful. but all of the other things are equal, work for the person. work for a good person, a good person can turn a difficult job into a wonderful job. and a bad person can turn out beautiful job into a miserable job. i was fortunate to work for jack danforth. some people might not of thought the work was glamorous but i got to work for a good man. later, i0 p