did you think about making drew's space a little but small- lot and notkin -- a little bit smaller and king a little bit larger? the have the complete opposite spectrum of number of seats available. >> one is the bayview and one is about potrero hill, so it is clear that they are very geographically separated. i have a few questions. one, i want to suggest that we need to make clear that attendance area tiebreakers do not apply to city-wide seats or to see the white schools, so we all know that we are going to get their "i live near clarendon" or "are want to be in the area," so that is one thing i think we need to clarify for ourselves or for the public. i am kind of wondering, and i will ask -- i do not anticipate any of these questions take a long time to answer. we can take a long time, but i want to know whether we tried to take into account kids in thek-8 schools when we will try to do the middle school feeder patterns. all of the house to be stark, but it seems to me -- i'm afraid that what we have looked at is the presumption that everyone that is inan a k-8 school or elementar