. >> with lehman brotters, we said they were nottallowed to aat immediately. there were not allowed to issue a injunctive relief. we said, okay, we ill -- we will allow nhance bankruptcy. we went to experts and we addressed those by giving the bankruptcyy udge's more power. the primary differences i see to the general public about the differrnce in bankruptcy and this procedure is the democrat procedure. it was a procedure of the bush administration. that is what president bush did. and as the secretary paulson did. they are correct. i did not claim that democrats thouggt this up. the differences we must stop it. bankruptcy has established practice. and has a body of law behind it. there is predictability. there is a list for senior debt goes first. some people were told to forget it. other people were given 90 cents on the $1. other people were paid off in+ full. aig is the most outrageous of all. for two years i have said that it absolutely is, to me, it offends my sense of fair play that day the foreign banks, goldman and morgan, 100 cents on the $1. two ba