. -- do noty rossum, i ended upg -- getting an education i did not know i needed. they gave me experiences that allowed me to join the joint force. i was a one star, living in they said they have some great news, i will give you first marine division in california. 16,000 marines, could not be better. i am a happy camper. about three weeks later he called again and says pete, i only told you i would give you the division. but i want to be able to nominate you for three stars and you do not have a joint tour yet . i will assign you to be the deputy command in japan and work for air force officers and you will get joint credit. this is ego satisfying because is talking about three instead of one, but it is still disappointing. i said sir, if you're asking me if i would rather work for a three-star in is japan, or commd a division, i got to have a division. he said, i am not asking you. [laughter] i said, ok sir. if i do not get three stars, would you consider giving me the division on the way home? he says, that will not happen. i go to japan and work in the air forc