mohamedou ould slahi in nouakchott, mauritania, welcome to hardtalk.hank you very much, stephen, for having me on your programme. and i salute your audience. well, it is a pleasure to have you on our programme. let's begin with how it feels to have a film made about your story and in a sense have your name become recognised around the world years after you were finally released from guantanamo bay, when perhaps your story should have been better known to the world, but almost nobody had heard your name at all. does it feel weird that your story is now the subject a film? i'm still trying to digest but in a positive way because this whole operation, you know, when i was kidnapped, was conducted in total darkness. no—one should know anything about this abduction, no—one should know anything about torture, no—one should know anything about disappearance and this rendition from senegal to mauritania, tojordan, to bagram, to guantanamo. so i'm happy now that the world is knowing this, the story. in the course of this interview, we'll talk in detail about wh