first will hear testimony from doctor nouriel roubini. professor of economics and international business at nyu stern school of business. then we'll hear from mr. peter van valkenburg, director of research at, research and advocacy group coin center. dr. roubini, you may proceed. before you do as i always do our mind you to please try to pay attention to the clock and keep your initial remarks to five minutes. you will have opportunities to respond an ad during questions, and a remind my colleagues of the same limitations that they have on their question time. with that, dr. roubini, please proceed. >> thank you. chairman crapo, ranking member brown and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to test that the topic of crypto currency and blockchain. my name is nouriel roubini and i'm a press of economics at new york university. in summary, my view on this is as follows. first, crypto is moderate or father of all bubbles, but that is finally going to bust that you picked second is a most overhyped technology ever and it is n