ekho moskvy, the novaya gazeta and others. and... but this is only the beginning. interesting, rabbi, that you choose to say the world changed on february 24th with the invasion of ukraine. but isn't the truth that for a few days or even weeks after that invasion, you chose to stay quiet? you indicated that you'd received messages, i'd like to know who from, saying that you should not criticise the war in order not to get the jewish community into trouble. so who gave you that message, and why did you ultimately decide you couldn't adhere to that message? as the situation was, was, and when the war was going on, we expected, you know, based on the history, we know we are in russia. russia has, each country has its history. the community leaders expected that eventually there is going to be demand, demand from the authorities to support the war and the community leaders among us, we decided all together not to say one word, not in support and not against it. of course, that is support because you cannot support this war and not against it, because then we would, to