. >> and irish priests heavily into penance and punishment, couple of novenas to do, nine first fridaysays, stations of the cross, trip to lourd's. wow. that was one of the things that bothered me about my religion was the conflict between pain and pleasure because they were always pushing for pain and you were always pulling for pleasure, you know. >> george carlin was a word smith. and each of his routines were poetry, memorized poetry. carlin would respond a year practicing these routines. every word there for a reason, nothing by accident. >> trouble is i wanted a list. here are these words i'm not supposed to say. let's have a look at them. i'll be glad to avoid them if i know what they are, you have to say them to know what they are, man. [ bleep ], oh, [ bleep ]. >> george carlin more than anyone else, even more than lenny bruce before him, he had fun with vulgarity. and that drove people crazy. >> i kept finding more ways to describe dirty words than there were dirty words. dirty bad, filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, off-color, blue, in poor taste, suggestive, cursing, cussing, swear