railway areas. completed today, so that's it subbotnik forces were deployed to the soviet and novobeletskyistricts that were most affected by the disaster. long queues and screens of death all over the world, large-scale failures are recorded in the work of airports, train stations, banks and it systems. the british tv channel skynews was unable to go live this morning. there is a huge story unfolding here in australia, and around the world too. we cannot broadcast as usual. if you work including sky news, it affected internet users, the shutdown affected banks and media companies. users of social networks publish photos against a background of blue screens from their offices and joke about taking a short vacation. airport employees in india are forced to fill out boarding passes manually. the global it failure even affected amusement parks. in the united states, the largest air carrier has suspended flights. airport. brandenburg reported possible delays in registration. turkish airlines and the uk are also experiencing problems; a large-scale failure has affected the work of medical facil