in addition, the company's president oleksandr komarov said on the air of the novyn national telethonat the account of one of the employees was compromised. for him in words, this attack broke through the defense and attackers were able to get inside the infrastructure. according to komarov, the example of kyivstar shows that even the most protected systems can be. impressed, he also added that to the question of techno, it is not a question of technology, but rather a question of the fact that in any organization, in any place , there can be people who conditionally guide russian missiles or give their passwords, it was a direct quote. for more than a day, starting from the morning of december 12, kyivstar subscribers were without communication. earlier it was reported that the attack carried out by the russian group sontsepiok. it took responsibility for it. according to the security service of ukraine, sontsepiok is close to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. and iryna alelchenko, the press secretary of the kyivstar company, joins