the majority of the npa is mentally -- nba is mentally ill. [laughter] and chuck says, what do you mean? he said, look, everybody knows how many players smoke weed after games, drink after games. they're not just doing that because they're having some fun and unwinding, they're doing it to actually manage their pain, managing their alienation, managing their isolation. and yet no one wants to talk about that. and you know what else nobody wants to talk about in? the majority of this country is mentally ill. [laughter] and chuck says why do you think we don't want to talk about that? and he says we don't want to talk about it because if we admit that, then we might actually have to devote resources to doing something about it. and this is what royce white said. he said if 60% of the country had cancer, there would have to be a massive public health effort to do something about that. but if the majority of us are mentally ill, then they're not going to -- they're going to ignore it so they don't have to supply universal mental health coverage. b