we have also the first issue of of the commune nist newspaper npabda.and this issue announces the victory of the communist revolution. we have a sequenced file of this newspaper and the other communist newspaper "investia" right down to today. with the exception of three months. and that three-month gap was due to an over-energetic postmaster general, who considered this was subversive literature. and he stopped it coming to us. so we had to do something about that. >> did you take measures to relax the situation? >> i certainly relaxed the postmaster general. but i don't think we've ever been able to recover the lost numbers. here is a little document that's been a profound interest to me. this is the intimate diary of the prime minister of japan at the time we went to war. he made an enormous effort, strenuous effort to effect a peace with the united states and prevent the war. and the pathos of this document is a warrant for its retention. of a man who made a real struggle. to prevent world war ii. >> excuse me, did you have something else there, mr.