concerning the agreement, in accordance with section 123 of the act, a classified annex to the npas prepared by the secretary of state in consultation with the director of national intelligence summarizing relevant classified information will be submitted to the congress separately. the joint memorandum submitted to me by the secretaries of state and energy and a letter from the chair of the nuclear regulatory commission stating the views of the commission are also enclosed. an addendum to the npas containing a comprehensive analysis of the export control system of the kingdom of thailand with respect to nuclear related matters, including interactions with other countries of proliferation concern and the actual or suspected nuclear dual use or missile related transfers to such countries. pursuant to section 102a.w. of the national security act of 1957, 50u.s.c.3024-w is being submitted separately by the director of national intelligence. the agreement has been negotiated in accordance with the act and other aapplicable law. in my judgment it needs all applicable requirements and wil