so there's a moratorium on any more permits for energy production in the npra yesterday.e up to text messages from alaskans saying senator, help us. my little company is going to go out of business. i'm -- i'm going to lay off a bunch of workers, workers who are doing what? producing energy. since when was that bad, mr. president? since when was that bad? one more thing. they say, well, it's only a 60-day moratorium. in alaska because we have the highest standards in the world on producing energy, exploring for energy, we only do exploration in the winter. costs more for energy companies. why do we do that? because it's the high standards that we have. highest standards of any place on the planet earth. what do i mean by that? we build what are called ice roads and ice pads on the tundra when we explore and when we drill. so that means we just do it in the winter. you build these ice roads and ice pads. it costs a lot of money. and when you move equipment across the tundra on ice, you drill for three months and when the winter is over, you move it off. the ice melts and t