fundamental question on the nrda process. to what extent do you consider it, and the trustees, to what extent you consider that the process to make the region entirely whole? or is it just a part of a? >> it's just a part unfortunately. it addresses only the damages to our natural resources, and that's its limit. and, unfortunately, the damages that alabama has sustained, for example, are much greater than that. though many of the damages with sustained are tied to the loss of our natural resources and the loss of use of our natural resources, the nrda process does address those economic losses for individuals, businesses or the state itself. >> well, i know governor made this was very clear on that in his report, which is really getting i suppose more with the oil spill act damages that eventually have to be paid by bp under the oil spill act. but he noted on this section outlines a proposal for congress to create a new gulf coast recovery council that would be funded in part by civil penalties collected under the act, and w