nrdc, have over the years tern turned the courts -- have turned the courts far too much into a rubber stamp, rather than a vigorous check on the self-serving tendencies of agencies to interpret the law to expand their own power. title 2 of the bill, the separation of powers act, delivers this legislative reversal of chevron vs. hour. there's one thing, though, that still needs to be added to that portion of the bill. that is language to check the potential that, once they are restored, the full interpreterive powers that rightfully belong to them are --, our article 3 courts will not engage in judicial activism. to put a point on it, judges must not be allowed to use the separation of powers act as a license to interpret ambiguous statutes always to expand agency power. my amendment therefore succinctly but powerfully provides just that. it prohibits courts from reading ambiguities in constitutes to contain implicit delegations of legislative rulemaking authority to agencies or from reading those ambiguities expansively to extends agency power. although it failed in its task, the ches