host: the bill is called the stop school violence act. , nsored by rutherford normejiffle sheriff. at that-t comes under suspension. you write about the debate and what the congressmen would like to do saying he is pressing house appropriators to include funding for the school safety program in an upcoming government spending bill. why is he doing that? what's the likelihood that it will be included? >> the reason why he's doing this is because this bill only authorizes the funding. that means appropriators still have to dole out the actual funding to create this program in a separate funding bill. the best opportunity to do that would be in the omnibus spending wisconsin we're expecting to be released as soon as maybe late this week or early next week. there is not a whole lot of time to get it attached. he said heed talked to the leader of the subcommittee in charge, john culberson of texas, about this idea. we're not sure if there will be enough time. host: there's a companion measure in the senate being promoted by senators hatch and rubio. any chance that will see floor debate