i think the ntc is a good forum for that. we want to see that happen more and more and look for ways to encourage that. in particular, some of the title 10, title 50 conflicts between intel and d.o.d. can be resolved better if we start having more sharing back and forth. now, obviously we understand all of those different pieces have personnel to manage. that's a great challenge i know for you and your personnel sent all over a bunch of other places, you have a core mission to accomplish. along the way if there are ways that we can help you free up more personnel, please let us know. i know we have an ongoing issue just in terms of the management within your own entity of different service members, and we are communicating that concern to d.o.d. in trying to give you the authority you need to better manage your own personnel. certainly we look for those opportunities also to build those relationships and really just sort of continue on with the goldwater-nichols principle, now aplay the cross agency lines as well as d.o.d. we