about two years ago, there was an enormous effort undertaken by the ntia called the short from more than 100 of the best privacy experts in the world set in a room once a month and we went over and over and over how to communicate with users information in a short form that would appear on your smart phone. work, went by, tons of brilliant minds in the room, and then we built the software and to get out into the field and user tested it. unfortunately, the expectation of the room of brilliant privacy experts and the expectation of the private consumer were wildly different. what we found is, the language that people use, the way that they absorb information, and what they want to know, is very different. part of the problem that everyone is having right now, it happens to facebook if you watched their testimony, their basic position was we told you we were doing this, didn't you listen? parent of you as a two children, sometimes you have to change your communication style to figure out how to meet your audience where they are rather than merely from the compliance perspective, saying it