funding, given ntia's past history on expanding rural broadband services. the last time congress provided ntia with broadband funding, a fraction of the funding now responsible for, the agency strug rld with implementation -- struggled with implementation and ended up overbuilding existing networks, resulting in billions of dollars spent with little to show. i have to say, mr. president, i've not seen a lot to convince me ntia will do a better job this time around. last month, ntia released its notice of funding opportunity for the broadband equity access and deployment, or bead program. the ideas contains a number of troubling components. i am concerned ntia is planning to base funding allocations on maps that don't accurately reflect which areas of the country are unserved. this creates a substantial risk in misallocating the funding, and once again overbuild be existing networks at the taxpayers' expense. ntia's notice also makes clear when it comes to expanding networks they are planning to favor certain applicants. specifically government-run networks