it hsatellite ciui,ntial ofusins relybeopbytes, megabytes.stry. is this typical new techlogies?h?esalways ie wesked ricrd gill omment new technologies seem to be is this typical new techlogies?h?esalways ie an importa factor in economic growth, nojustchnologies seem to be is this typical in satelliteecology,lways ie buquite generally. in economic growth, one american economist who has studiethis question is edwardeniso and en weighteemur growinghisto, their relative importance.r e , he came to t following conclusions. fi he found that u. gnp had at aaverage of 3.3%ars peyear. about 1.3% of ts growth denison atibuted t simple% expansionwth of population and labo another .5% he aributeth ton increase inhe quaity of macnes that t expanding lar force d to workty with--nes capilt accumution. lar force these two items presennes e growth of inputs-- and doot necessarily represent any w way noticehe bigs. remaining item near half the grow rate, which represents increased output per unit ofnput. this is really where technolocical ogress comes into play. where rewe areealing with new techno