some of the people he was supposed to investigate for criminal acts in corruption, they shut down the ntv. i think that's the difference and example. this is just a small thing, but there's several. you mentioned senators for 30 years, and i'm sure there's a couple like lugar who just lost the primaries. he won't be there longer, and a handful of congressmen there longer. the president can't be here longer than two four year terms. imagine if bill clinton was still president. how would that be? would that be conceivable here or george bush, sr? no. we can have this conversation for several hours, but the world "democracy" if you ask people to define them, it's tricky because the word in russia not always has positive connotation. if you look at the polls and if you ask people to decide their preferences, you know, elect your leadership or have it imposed on you, people want to choose free. do you think the press should have a right to criticize public officials, the vast majority says yes. should they be elected or appointed? and the vast majority says elected. define democracy, please. w