there's an old saying ntv, always assume your mic is hot, or live, so don't say anything you don't wantmight accidentally send your hilarious observations to eve ryo ne your hilarious observations to everyone by mistake! there's currently no standardised way to end a call, though it is perfectly acceptable to waive or, if you want to be discreet, you can type your thank yous and goodbyes in the chat window. before you go, unless you are wearing wireless headphones, remember that you are still plugged in. that's better. that was lj. now, over the past few years we have found ourselves spending more and more time inside food computers. now, these mainly involve growing food in special nutrient mixes inside shipping containers. you may remember the strawberries that we saw in paris and the delicious salad i tried in los angeles. the idea is to both precisely control the growing conditions, but also produce food closer to where it is going to be consumed. but now there is a new idea. it's not about growing fruit or vegetable, but insects. paul carter has been to find out more and file this