they ntwa lesmalr class zesis, counseloatrs every hool in better asclsrm oo coitnsio. students s need doesn't seem to be the diristct priority >>for me, the most usfrtratingh inhag s been that the strict in my mind ist n' inholdg udstents at the center , keli we rewe supposed to netigoate in ocr tobeand they didn't cometo the bltae until we said we would strike. we>> are ingog to be out here til we get some real pross,al and we are going to lo okat it and we e argoing to vo on it. and that is gog in to keta some time, d anhowever long that ketas, because the ki dsar e the most poimrtant g.thin >> rteeporr:th e oakland unifiestd diri ctsaid they vehar ietod come with ospropals but so far innothg has hit . keinep mind, oakld anteachers say they are getting idpa low, they are the lowest paid tersache roacss the y baarea, they are soal working thwiout a contract e sincberefo the pandemic >>the state suntperienntde ha feofred to erformly mediate the anoakld ristke and we spe okabout it earlier today with e thmar yo and e shsays while she esdo support teheacrs anmodenstrator