at chattel nubia. the school provided this video. . >> hello, my name is david saxton. i am the director of the symposium of the press of the civil war and free e,pression. this afternoon, we have a very special three speakers. the topic is ethnic and immigrant soldiers in the civil war. one speaker talking about the german american soldiers, next talking about irish american soldiers, and the third talking about frederick douglass and black soldiers. we begin with christian keller, from the department of national security and strategy, u.s. army war college. his paper was on german american soldiers and the german language press. >> thank you, david. i appreciate the introduction and the opportunity to speak at this conference. i wish it were in person, but we know what we must, as we say in the army. a little bit by way of introduction, i have to say, a disclaimer, anything i say in this presentation or in the q&as represents my own opinion and not those of the u.s. army, department of defense, or u.s. i don't think there will be any issue because we are talking about