concludes sunday for continued nuclear waste r&d which aligns with the recommendation of the blue ribbon commission on america's nuclear future. as we move to a sustainable energy future, america's fossil fuel energy resources will continue to play important role in our energy mix. the budget includes $12 billion as part of a $45 billion priority, our indian issued by the department of energy, interior and epa, to understand and minimize potential environmental health and safety impact of natural gas the government through hydraulic fracturing. the budget also promotes energy efficiency to of americans save money by saving energy. it sponsors r&d on its osha materials and processes to help u.s. manufacturers cut costs. to maximize our energy technology efforts in areas such as battery, biofuels, electric grid technology, we according research and development across our bases and applied research programs. and to encourage the manufacturing, technology, the president's call for extending proven tax incentives including the production tax credit, and advanced energy manufacturing tax credi