from the town of nufringen close to. making people happy with his sweet creation. i love it because we set a really great product and ninety nine point nine percent of our customers are happy while they're here that's a nice feeling. a young entrepreneur has made a name for himself in the business the twenty thirteen german chocolate must also did well at the world championships the following yeah and he is now the official ambassador for chocolate from ecuador he never tires of working with his favorite material. especially pure chocolate because it's so versatile there's the taste because it has so many different aromas and you can combine it with practically anything and you can also make things with showpieces sculptures models so you have both a taste and design element. enjoys experimenting with countless shapes and texture. combinations of spices fruits turned out all one even filled proteins with goose liver. he doesn't mind that people sometimes find his ideas a little odd. sometimes people come and read the description and say my reading this right that's