for some countries, trump is problem numeralo uno. >> fighting with friends. >> president trump escalatingis fight with mexico. >> president trump threatening to use u.s. military force to halt mexico's drug trade. he reportedly said he's ready to send u.s. troops to stop what he calls "bad hombres down there." >> trevor: hey, hey -- look on the bright side -- trump's learning spanish! ( laughter ) you know this story is why you have to appreciate every now moment. remember a week ago we were freaking out because trump was starring a trade war and now we're freaking out because he's starting a war-war? we're, like, oh, man, i miss the old trump! ( laughter ) although, to be fair, this is not exactly an escalation, this invasion, because america already invades mexico every spring break. ( applause ) and these people, by the way, who go down to mexico, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, i assume, are good people. ( applause ) i've heard. i've seen. ( cheers and applause ) and don't get me wrong. of course trump and his administration are not just maki