but nureyev started much later, but still, i mean, he's just exquisite.ur body in a very different way. absolutely. i'm interested in that. i'd like you to tell me a little bit about how, the mechanics of how you tell stories with your body. what are the great gifts that you need? what kind of flexibility and what kind of expression can you get out of your body? for me, flexibility, the flexibility that i deal with is an illusion. i work with the illusion of flexibility. i don't truly have an immense range at all physically, but i'm fast. that's one thing i've always done. i think — this is my logic — because of my training in kathak, because you have to wear these very heavy bells around your ankles and you train for hours, so it's like having weights around your ankles. the moment you take them off, you're like speedy gonzales. you're superfast. so i think... and also fear, of revealing that i'm not flexible. so i'd rather do things very fast so things will become a blur, so you'll be like, "is he flexible? "i didn't quite catch that." and so, in a way,