over a year that they worked differently, instead of asking you whether you can hear something, nurophonewhich will trigger a reaction, sending political impulses to your brain and sound waves back out your year. it is through measuring them that the app creates what it calls or hearing significant. in my not very scientific test, i am noticing the different between normal headphones and speakers, music sounds different, different parts of the music sounds louder. that is mixed in with a real clear, crisp sound. but our expert had some questions over this upgrade of sound quality. they give you the opportunity with the headphones to be able to compare generic settings with those taking into account your personal profile. there was a hugely marked difference between those two things were actually tested them mou, hearing which actually prompted me to go downstairs and hughes are diagnostic test. i saw it i have normally function is, so the reliability of that and the accuracy of how that actually come to those conclusions are not entirely sure. but what i want either of these over another