you mention nwa earlier and ice cube if you look back at that music, it wasn't profanity for profanity sake. the problem with modern music what we are seeing the evolution of it hip hop used to be yes there was profanity in it but it was mixed in with a larger picture. you could zoom out from it and look at it from a bigger perspective. i think today what you are seeing profanity for profanity stake. >> i think it goes back to the point that we made earlier. that media is behind this. we're talking about music that is in the mainstream. being that it's in the mainstream tells you you've had billion dollar corporations. you have media moguls. you have people that know advertisement. people that understand psychology. people that understand the way that certain communities and then individuals react to messages. you need to go back and ask the questions is it rap music? is it hip hop? or because it's in the mainstream and we're hearing these messages 60-70 times a day that maybe there is other forces behind this that makes it more accessible to us. for some reason or another, for the las