. >> thanks for the nyu nod, but, he said he has pain so what can happen with a simple cyst, and we are talking a simple one here, it can actually obstruct so someone has to made sure that it is not obstructing the flow through the tubes. if that is not the case, you follow it. more complex, irregular borders, you worry about that. talking about kidney cancer, we have not covered that. why are you at risk? obesity. high blood pressure. smoking. we are always worried about smoking. also, work-place exposure to certain chemicals that increase the risk for kidney cancer. >> the problem is, it is very hard to find. blood in the urine you look for. you can find it on an ultrasound , if it looks abnormal or multiple cysts in one place. >> or blood in the urine. mark is right, the biggest thing is to spare part of the kidney. >> blood in urine, is that always cancer? >> could be bladder or kidney center. or an infection. >> the hottest political debates is marijuana, medical marijuana, a lot of controversy whether it should be decriminalized and made legal. you should know the effect on your b