nyy, you guys do i wish you wld com by and look at it and let everybody know. thank you very much. >> fellow. my name is gail switzer and at a board memb for xt village, san francisc it is a nonprofit community organization providing ridents of san francisc'nohet corridor with e practical means to live safely and practically live in their we cover telegraph russian hill, polka and the waterway. our first goal is to for fell 80% of requests for services with the work of our volunteerc. according the budgeanalys report of 2011, 25% of residents surveyed in the zip code 94133, neiborhood, were 60 years of age or older with a medium annual iome of 48,700 cpared $,0 o avere. an ince below $40,000 does not allowfor the additional -- the additional expenses one needs to adapt their home. it is difficultoleave and find other neighborhoods that ght be more itab to a senior, such as not being on a hi, havingno, we provide services to help this opulation. we provide traportio to doctors, dentists, writes for ahrens, a grocery shopping, etc. errrands course ianted to ask t