that is a tribute to bill o'rielly. keep it simple, stupid. not a lot of words on the next two signs. i don't know if you can see that or not. liberty, the absence of arbitrary governmental interference. this is so simple. [laughter] it doesn't take rocket science. web site drivers. there are two causes we promote to the web site, obamacare is and two germans want in office, one in prison, community service. [applause] .. leadership and irs. >> we can't profile. >> i will have these down at the great price. you have to take you down emotionally here and myself too. i think you know what is coming here. if you are a veteran, raise your hand. thank you. [applause] the next three signs are silent. i hope you can read them. that's a little big. some gave some, some gave all. thank you, u.s. vets. [applause] [applause] >>> this is the last one right here. we're not done. this one is not finished. left to die, left to suffer, left to shame. it's not an accident the word left is up there. it isn't. the signs that tell a story, this one got the virgin