they're also outlined in a memo that director o'riordan issued to staff in march. um and the purpose of the site permit is really to review preliminary , conceptual and schematic designs and identify any major issues. um and as you know, the detailed plan review then comes in later stages when applicants submit their construction documents. next slide. so uh, there was a lot of lot of words on this slide. but again, this ordinance would take director of reardon's memo to staff and the guidelines that already exists in. maybe 32 put them into the building code. next slide, so db staff recommends approval of the ordinance with the following amendments. the first amendment would be in section one. oh 683.4 point two would require concurrent review the site permit application while planning department completes its review and concurrent issuance when playing department issues any required authorizations, approvals or certifications required under the planning code. and this amendment would conform with the goals of the of the interdepartmental site permitting reform pr